Saturday, November 29, 2008

Pak Lah's Yoga Statement Create Confusion Among Muslim

The Fatwa Council's stand on Yoga is clear. Whether the states are going to endorsed it, is a different matter. Take time to think and clear all doubt. But Pak lah make a hasty statement, allowing yoga without the mantra. How will he know that there is no mantra being used. You are following a yoga action and mantra whispered by the Yoga Master; plan to deviate Muslim followers harming him towards syirik. Can Pak Lah guarantee that no mantra is being used.? In Islam Halal is clear, Haram is clear, there's no two way about it. Do not compromise Islam's teaching just for the sake of satisfying kafir's need. The Fatwa Council only forbid this on the Muslims; non-Muslim must not take heed. It's nothing to do with you.

1 comment:

azlishukri said...

yang halal dan haram tu sudah jelas...salam singgah